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Convert KIT sample bag to pcd file

Open schoeller opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Dear all,

thanks for this interesting work. I am a beginner concerning ROS. My goal is to convert a sample bag as recorded under the URL to a format which I may load in a CAD for further use. I am a civil engineer. Within the software I use mostly las/e57 format are accepted, but I have read, that one may use pcd as a starting format with ROS. PDAL seems to be able to read that format. So far I have installed ROS1 on Win10 and compiled livox driver as with the help of instructions. Then I have undertaken the following steps:

1#Open ROS1 console (as a windows terminal not a bash) 2#Called C:\catkin_ws\devel\setup.bat for loading the livox_driver into the current environment 3#Change to directory containing the sample bag file and executing

rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd KA_Urban_East.bag /livox/lidar ./pcd

The following message is returned.

Provided topic '/livox/lidar' is in the bag file, but is not of type sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 (type: livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg)
Could not find a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 type on topic '/livox/lidar' in bag file KA_Urban_East.bag
Topics found in the bag file:
    /filter/positionlla (geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped)
    /filter/quaternion (geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped)
    /gnss (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix)
    /imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
    /livox/imu (sensor_msgs/Imu)
    /livox/lidar (livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg)

I do not know how to check whether the driver is actually available. Any assistance in how to proceed further is highly welcome.

Kind regards


schoeller avatar Aug 30 '22 07:08 schoeller