Khemissi Amir
Khemissi Amir
# DEPENDS ON #3557
Hi @ZelphirKaltstahl, Thank you for pointing out this. We'll soon check it out. Regards, Amir,
> Instead of this whole change, why not just patch the gem to increase the timeout from 10 to 20 or 30? This seems like a ton of work to...
> > > Instead of this whole change, why not just patch the gem to increase the timeout from 10 to 20 or 30? This seems like a ton of...
@farhatahmad requested changes that were made on Jan 15: 1. The `bbb-ruby-api` timeout is now statically set to 30sec and NOT INJECTED EXTERNALLY [CHECK HERE]( 2. An improvement to UX...
> BigBlueButton version gem must be replaced otherwise the Docker image won't build. Yup, I'll reupdate the dependency and notify you.
@GhaziTriki the remote revision for `bigbluebutton-ruby-api` has been updated to **5b803bd** .
> Can you leave an explanation to what your solution to the problem actually is? Sure, Check the description.
# REBASED ON e35a8820c41bdf1560c8e65438e8ccae4c415bc2
> I find the syntax slightly odd here - can we not create a component that does whatever checks is needed and then returns `Route` instead? That way `Route` and...