# Summary 1>.../faiss-1.7.4\faiss/gpu/impl/PQCodeDistances-inl.cuh(541): error : expected an expression 1> auto outDistancesCodeViewCols = outCodeDistancesView.view({coarseIndices.getSize(0) * coarseIndices.getSize(1), 1> ^ 1> 1>1 error detected in the compilation of ".../faiss-1.7.4/faiss/gpu/impl/IVFPQ.cu". # Platform OS: WIN11...
### Type of issue Code doesn't work ### Description Failed to assign to property 'CommunityToolkit.WinUI.EnumValuesExtension.Type'. [Line: 117 Position: 39] " "
The CUDA backend cannot be used in the packaged WindowsAppSDK application, but works normally in the unpackaged WindowsAppSDK application.