woowwwwwww...congratulationssssssssss but please could you increase unlimite results and can you shows jpg for every song and album?I know that netease,qq and kuwo increase few results....but if you will make...
hello there!tell me please this is for searching music from kuwo?if yes,I am begging you could you increase unlimited results?it would be great!I know kuwo shows few results!please man!!!
hello my friend...what amazing project...congratulations!please tell me something if I wan transcribe correct I have to choose at least medium...there is some way to transcribe faster?and if yes,can you explain...
I AM BEGGING YOU COULD YOU MAKE ONE WEB?AND ALSO COULD YOU INCREASE UNLIMITED RESULTS?IT WOULD BE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! I found a way to query more records. There is a parameter...