Spenser A Snyder
Spenser A Snyder
TASK [common : install wkhtmltox (wkhtmltoimg)] ******************************** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failure downloading ht tps://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/packaging/releases/download/0.12.6-1/wkhtmltox_0.12 .6-1.raspberrypi.buster_armhf.deb, ('The read operation timed out',)"} to retry, use: --limit @/home/pi/raspberry-noaa-v2/ansible/site.retry PLAY...
I am a current owner of an Ambient Weather Personal Weather Station and would like to see integration to get the current weather conditions from my own personal weather station...
Install Seems to hang ... pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo npm install -g signalk-server -y npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please switch to @apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please switch to @apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser npm...
First off, Im sorry for asking, but Im a noob when it comes to linux based anything ( i know some of the basics, just enough to get my into...
pi@raspberrypi:~/raspberry-noaa-v2 $ ./install_and_upgrade.sh * Installing yaml and jsonschema Python modules... Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done python3-yaml is already the newest version (6.0-3+b2). python3-jsonschema...