VAL copied to clipboard
The plan validation system.
While playing around with some numeric planning problem problems, I've come across some issues with VAL and/or the PDDL2.1 spec (specifically, the 2003 JAIR paper by Maria and Derek). Question...
There seems to be some constant
The Parser reports warnings that do not seem right. Consider this domain file: ``` Line 7: (:requirements :strips :durative-actions :typing) ``` ``` (:functions (speed ?c - car) ) ``` and...
I have found two errors in VAL's handling of derived predicates. I'll attach/upload the following PDDL files which exhibit the errors (if that's possible): blocker-strips.pddl: Domain file. blocker-strips-small.pddl Sample problem...
The parser that VAL uses is pretty badly deformed by the requirements of yacc-style LR(1) parsing. Instead of being a clean(ish) copy of the grammar from the spec, it's had...
[p01.pddl.txt]( [domain.pddl.txt]( I was editing a domain to remove costs and inadvertently ran the updated domain (no costs) against a problem file that had an initializer of `(= (total-cost) 0)`...
I was planning to invoke `validate` in a script, and check to see if my plan validated using the customary check against exit status. But I was disappointed to find... is far more extensive than the README
I tried to upload the attached plan ([sas_plan.txt]( to [problem 4275]( (Towers of Hanoi with 15 disks and 3 pegs). The solution is 2^15-1 = 32767 steps long which...
I tried to use VAL in a very simple case of a durative action with continuous change. We have a robot and one action with fixed duration. We have also...