Kuroba-Experimental icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Kuroba-Experimental copied to clipboard

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Results 234 Kuroba-Experimental issues
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Would like to see 7 Chan added on kuroba

https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/backup KurobaEX is currently the only app on my phone that doesn't implement this, requiring settings to be manually exported and imported after switching to a new device (or rom)...

The URL can no longer be copied. It only lets you open the browser to take you where the post is. Makes no sense for it to do that because...

I would like to suggest a new option in the filter menu to hide threads that do not have a reply from the OP ("one post by this ID") These...

Plz add support to https://thebarchive.com/ since archived moe uses this site to redirect to - them. And sometimes posts on archived.moe seen down, even when they are normal on the...

New site support

Failed to download image (reason: Unknown exception, class = FirewallDetectedException, message = Url cannot be opened without going through Cloudflare checks first!)

If you were using the app out on mobile/cellular and an outstanding ban (not spent) existed on the IP you got for the session, it can persist in the app...

Is it normal that thread downloads to a root directory? If yes, how do I change it?

It's wasn't a problem recently, but with recent changes to posting, kurobaEX thinks the post was made but it's not. I can actually check it by refreshing, and experience dread...