Kévin Gomez

Results 36 issues of Kévin Gomez

When using doctrine, event listeners are not called if there have been no column changed. It's a problem because we precisely depend on these events to be fired to handle...


Hey! Type: bug fix & new feature This pull request affects the following components: - [ ] Core - [ ] Analyzer - [x] Compiler - [ ] Control Flow...

Hey! Type: new feature Link to issue: This pull request affects the following components **(please check boxes):** - [x] Core - [ ] Analyzer - [ ] Compiler - [...



#### What this PR does This PR updates the CRD definition used by the jaeger-operator chart to match what's recommended in the [jaegertracing/jaeger-operator](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/blob/eb439ba70ef90f69ab1aba55ad851c79b2083128/deploy/crds/jaegertracing.io_jaegers_crd.yaml) repository. **Note:** the apiVersion used for the...

Like the [Symfony bundle](https://github.com/K-Phoen/RulerZBundle), RulerZ should provide a Laravel package.

help wanted