Kévin Gomez

Results 50 comments of Kévin Gomez

> If the thing that you really want to do is simplify the usage of your operator (ie: using :point ∈ :shape instead of ∈(:point, :shape), there isn't anything you...

I'm not really maintaining this project anymore (not using it, or even writing PHP anymore). So no, no plans at all.

Technically, I guess it should be feasible. I have little experience with Doctrine ODM but if you are willing to make a PR I will happily review it. If you...

I leave this issue open as a reminder that someone thinks that supporting Doctrine ODM would be interesting. I'll consider adding support for Doctrine ODM if more people are interested...

As I explained in [another issue](https://github.com/K-Phoen/rulerz/issues/38), there are in fact two sort of operators in RulerZ: the _classic_ ones and the _inline_ ones. When using **classic operators**, we - in...

Hi, I was kind of involved at some point in the past with Hoa but not really anymore. As such, I don't really know if they plan on supporting their...

Hi, I wrote a quick documentation on how to write new compilation targets: https://github.com/K-Phoen/rulerz/blob/master/doc/custom_compilation_targets.md Does that help you? :)

@slok do you still maintain this project? (great work by the way :blue_heart:) If not, have you considered adding collaborators to this repository?

Could be interesting to have, agreed. Want to work on this? :)

Hey! Glad to hear that :) Mind sharing a link to that article? I'm curious. Grafana Operator and DARK have very different scopes in term of the resources they can...