Kaloyan Pavlov
Kaloyan Pavlov
@tlil @BilyachenkoOY Hey guys, I implemented option 2 and did some investigation related to it as a first step to this enhancement - looking at [graphql-dotnet Schema.cs](https://github.com/graphql-dotnet/graphql-dotnet/blob/master/src/GraphQL/Types/Schema.cs), registering directives is...
@sungam3r Thanks for the heads-up! It would be better to wait for GraphQL.NET v4 before implementing this. Also it seems reasonable that adding support for server-side directives when fields are...
I hit the same problem. ~After a bit of debugging I found out that the problem seems to come from [JSchemaGeneratorProxy](https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json.Schema/blob/master/Src/Newtonsoft.Json.Schema/Generation/JSchemaGeneratorProxy.cs) not receiving the MemberProperty from the [JSchemaTypeGenerationContext](https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json.Schema/blob/master/Src/Newtonsoft.Json.Schema/Generation/JSchemaTypeGenerationContext.cs) . When...