Jeff Wagner
Jeff Wagner
@cefamax I was able to get my fastify/mercurius graphql app running locally through `serverless-offline` thanks to your suggestion above; however, when I deployed to AWS, I am getting an error:...
@Uzlopak I know you can only write to `/tmp` in lambda, my issue is that I don't know why NestJS application is trying to write in the first place. It...
@cefamax I was able to figure it out. It's a GraphQL application, and I was using `autoSchemaFile`, which was trying to write the schema file on initialization. I just had...
@climba03003 but why not do it like this: ``` export const handler = async ( event: APIGatewayProxyEvent, context: Context, ): Promise => { if (!cachedNestApp) { const nestApp = await...
@Uzlopak I have a [PR]( in that updates the Readme. I combined the suggestions and information from @cefamax and @climba03003, so let me know if I should change anything there.
I would say it's about how aws-lambda-fastify works in combination with NestJS, not just generic AWS Lambda. But, I do see your point; however, there is an open issue inquiring...
@mcollina I agree. I'll see about getting this added to their documentation.