
Results 95 issues of Juuz

Can easily be tested by downloading a 1.16 template using the generator and setting up JUnit and fabric-loader-junit. During a JUnit run, certain logger libraries - including the file containing...

This can be worked around with by putting the libraries and the lang adapter into a classpath group, but that's not realistic to force on all users of a language...

`FabricRecipeProvider.getRecipeIdentifier` replaces the namespace of the recipe with the mod id of the data generator: https://github.com/FabricMC/fabric/blob/7d882bf2192c0ec66d72cb428a9d66b8f5961290/fabric-data-generation-api-v1/src/main/java/net/fabricmc/fabric/api/datagen/v1/provider/FabricRecipeProvider.java#L101-L103 This can easily lead to invalid recipe advancements where the advancement's default `has_the_recipe` criterion...


![seven modules](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6596629/83942683-96196580-a7fe-11ea-93b5-eb4d0e5e94df.png) Fabric API currently has *ten* rendering modules: `blockrenderlayer-v1`, `models-v0`, `renderer-api-v1`, `renderer-indigo`, `renderer-registries-v1`, `rendering-data-attachment-v1`, `rendering-fluids-v1`, `rendering-v0`, `rendering-v1` and `textures-v0`. This is really excessive in my opinion, especially when many...


See https://github.com/FabricMC/fabric/pull/2695#discussion_r1032199744. This prevents builds with outdated access wideners when the MC version changes, or when template.accesswidener is modified. Also simplifies the code a bit - `text.lines().collect(Collectors.toCollection { [] })`...

small change