> Allright, it works on all the examples in the repository. > > A major thing that I haven't found out yet is all the different literal types. > >...
Stumbled on the same issue recently. Generating the lut manually solved the problem. The only thing changed in this function is the computation of `vec_deg_basis`. In my fix, all the...
I assume the computation of `vec_deg_basis` is a feature introduced to optimize the lut computation *on the one ciphertext used at generate_lut_radix*. This optimization is legitimate, but breaks when trying...
I guess you can either: + not enforce anything, and put a big warning sign in the documentation saying: "this works only for some degree profiles" + clone and store...
Hi, would be interested to work on this.
Hey, sorry got busy with other things. I can start working on it next monday, or you can unassign me if you prefer.
Hey @tdelabro, just to be sure, the kvStorage in the client will not be gossiped to other nodes ? If it has to be gossiped, as said in #775, then...
@tdelabro started a discussion [there](https://github.com/keep-starknet-strange/madara/discussions/1395)
Hey, Is this issue still relevant ? I would be interested to work on this.