
Results 25 comments of JustusNBB

> @JustusNBB I'm not able to reproduce this in the sandbox you linked to, perhaps this issue was addressed in the guild's fork of graphiql? would like to know how...

@TuvalSimha @dotansimha Is it intended to start without the example queries in new playground tabs? Querying does still work when using a query from the explorer (e.g.`viewsInPastMonth`), so this is...

Bump, please give me a hint how I can help here?

> This is not an issue with GraphiQL. We stopped showing concatenated version of all defined operations in GraphiQL because it causes performance issues if you have too many operations....

Hi! I'll be interested in your ideas on future work considering introspection (caching), but since this **_discussion_** doesn't have an acceptance criteria, it fits better there ("discussion" not "issue")? 2/...

Yeah seeing how this branches the discussion forum should be a better place imo. > > > 2/ there are two strategies to combine multiple sources, and we have examples:...

You are using `lerna`, see this related `nx` topic: https://github.com/Urigo/graphql-mesh/issues/2103 > https://github.com/Kiesen/graphql-mesh-express/blob/master/packages/backend/src/mesh/mesh.ts That reminds me of myself half a year ago, switching from the Gateway approach to SDK generation, back...

@ardatan I can help a bit with tests the next couple of days so we can hopefully get a stable release again soon!

Tried another update today, but now the project is even more unstable :| ```json "dependencies": { "@graphql-mesh/cache-inmemory-lru": "^0.6.3", // bumped again "@graphql-mesh/merger-stitching": "^0.15.27", "@graphql-mesh/openapi": "^0.24.0", // bumped again "@graphql-mesh/runtime": "^0.33.3",...

> For my apollo server, I tried to use `context: ({ req }) => req,` as a replacement, but that throws `TypeError: Cannot read property 'Query' of undefined`. Found a...