Justus Greiber
Justus Greiber
Still updating from Fluid 2.2.0 to the newest version (turns out it's not that easy :D). I found another behaviour change. I guess it's best described by the test case...
The following code does not work on a Windows machine properly, because the path is generated with the Windows-style path seperator (`MemberInvitation\MemberInvitation.liquid`) but the discovery code for partials, layouts and...
I actually wanted to fix a different bug regarding layout file resolution, but all color tests were failing on my german Windows machine so this had to come first. Color...
While working on #497 I noticed that the CSS standard allows additional data types as arguments, that are not supported by this library: rgb/rgba: - Parameters R, G and B...
Hi, im using this library and just parallelised the test execution of all of my EF Core tests. But while doing this, I hit the following error: ``` Message: Initialization...
**Describe the bug** Hi, we are currently running a lot of test with the Quartz hosted service running in the background as part of our normal host setup. Sometimes these...
Rename index support was added by the following MariaDB issue: https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-7318 As far as I can see it is the exact same syntax, that MySQL supports. This syntax is already...
### The issue MariaDB supports RenameIndex for version 10.5.2 or higher: https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-7318 But it is not marked like that in MariaDbServerVersion: https://github.com/PomeloFoundation/Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql/blob/master/src/EFCore.MySql/Infrastructure/MariaDbServerVersion.cs#L54-L56
## Summary It would be really cool if the number of workers could be the result of some simple division depending on the maximum CPU threads of the machine. ````xml...
Hi, just hit the following exception: ``` MySqlConnector.MySqlException (0x80004005): Identifier name 'LC_TRIGGER_BEFORE_UPDATE_ORGANIZATIONDELETEREQUESTSTATUSTYPEENTITY' is too long ``` the library should probably respect the max identifier length set by database providers via...