GU Yiling

Results 86 comments of GU Yiling

你用的是什么服务?默认的服务就是 HTTPS 的。

I think we can provide a local page inside the extension itself to support offline videos.

可以把 @民工 改成 @xufei

> 但是Web发展到今天,和当初已经有了很大不同了。 @hax 发现这句话可以对上 winter 上次在知乎说的吵架金句,哈哈哈。(纯路过吐槽一下)

> In any case, some warnings would be useful. I wasted quite a few hours trying to figure out what was wrong. @pqvst If you use in-DOM template, Vue cannot...

看成 HESJ 模式了,还以为是贺老提出来的呢


Theoretically you can set `` as an optional permission in manifest and dynamically request domain permissions according to those user set in extension options. But Chrome's implementation of optional permission...

Let's keep this open. We'll work on this once ECharts and ZRender fix this on their side.