Justin Wick
Justin Wick
Have any decisions been made on whether or not we are getting MAUI support in Fabulous?
Are we planning on adding support for equality in Invocables? I've seen at least one use case (basically an event handler) that would benefit from being able to add/remove an...
Unfortunately @Shmew hasn't been active on here or Twitter since very early July 2021. It's possible something has happened to him :-/
Is there any way to use the updated version in this branch in a project that uses paket and yarn?
@Linschlager: Thoughts here? I'd love @marcpiechura's suggestion, but at this point even just figuring out how to get this into a dependent project's package managers would unblock me :)
Any plans to continue this? I'd be using v5 now if this were available! I'd help out, though I know less than nothing about modern JS frameworks, I'm a backend/embedded...
I'm not sure if this is helpful feedback, but the new mandatory compile error for unused local variable is preventing me from using Zig. Others have explained why this is...
RE: [#335 (comment) ](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/335#issuecomment-867029639), my concern with this feature is _precisely_ because Zig wants to support modifying Zig code in the future. Here is a real-life example (details modified) that...