Justin Beaudry
Justin Beaudry
I'm working on a refactor of the antlr4 JavaScript runtime with a few goals: - Provide few to no breaking changes (the idea is to update to the latest syntax,...
@ericvergnaud Agreed. Is there a better forum for this discussion? Or is this issue acceptable? @Usnul > I would recommend not to provide anything related to multi-threading (such as Worker/WebWorker)...
That sounds reasonable. I’ll create one issue for now and we’ll go from there. Thanks! On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 8:07 PM ericvergnaud wrote: > This is the right...
Andrew lives in Ukraine so I know he won't be able to finish this anytime soon. We discovered this issue on a project together so I'll get this to the...
@edemaine It would be great to have a PR for this fix! Otherwise, I'll see what I can do to get a fix in place.
@edemaine Actually going to point main at dist/appear.js
@kamilwaheed @OpethiaN73 Sorry for the late reply on this. I'll look into updating to the latest version of Hapi.
ATM this plugin does not support Hapi 17. It's written for a much older version of Hapi and hasn't been updated in some time.
I'm not having an issue with the message body (though on my fetch I'm requesting just the TEXT), but I do also NOT receive the `end` event from `imap.end()`, the...