
Results 110 comments of SimplyKyle!

``` cd $(mktemp -d) git clone --depth 1 -- > .zshrc The Modrinth project ID is specified at the bottom of the left sidebar under 'Technical information'. You can...

But after downgrading to zsh `5.8.1` everything went back to normal

But I can! The number of `cd` steps when this problem occurs is not a static value Ex. ![image]( I did it in 3 steps, but other times, I did...

Not a VM but, a docker file Create a file called `Dockerfile` in a empty directory. ```Dockerfile FROM archlinux:base-devel RUN pacman --needed --noconfirm -Syu pacman-contrib git zsh # Add non-root...

Even after reentering the docker? (`exit` and do the docker run again)

File... path? I don't quite understand what you mean. If you mean where `zsh-complete` is, it's just in the ![image](

`/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib/` (for me, 99% of the time the completion disappear midway typing through libglib...)

Click to expand ``` % functions -T .autocomplete.async.complete .autocomplete.zle-flags % +.autocomplete.async.complete:1> .autocomplete.zle-flags zle-line-finish +.autocomplete.zle-flags:1> emulate -L zsh +.autocomplete.zle-flags:2> setopt localoptions extendedglob clobber NO_aliases localloops pipefail NO_shortloops NO_unset warncreateglobal +.autocomplete.zle-flags:5> [[...

Nope, still breaks. this is what after `cd zsh` tab happens.(with the autocomplete zstyle in zshrc) Click to expand ``` % functions -T .autocomplete.async.complete .autocomplete.zle-flags % +.autocomplete.async.complete:1> .autocomplete.zle-flags zle-line-finish +.autocomplete.zle-flags:1>...

> To how much did you increase the value? to 0.1 Also, I've successfully uncreated... the problem. It only breaks in a newly created zsh environment(the temp method) set to...