It seems like the docs are not correct, I used `Name` attribute instead of `FunctionName` and it seems to have worked, although now I am also getting: `The specified functions...
According to this [thread](https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=889341&threadID=298284&tstart=0), you should provide `FunctionId` instead of the function names, so it should be like this: ` - { Fn::GetAtt: [ AppSyncMarkFavoriteGetLocationFunction, FunctionId ]}`
I've tried all the methods above and tried to understand why it worked incorrectly and I failed, then I did what @hh2k said, and well, it worked -_- So if...
Hello, I am using Google Chrome 46.0.2490.86 (64-bit) on Ubuntu. I don't think it is going hard to reproduce but if you can't, I will write detailed steps. Thank you...
I apologize for misleading you but the problem is in something different. Plugin removes the right scrollbar and it adds right padding to the body so the body doesn't move...
Yeah, I've added ``` html { ...... overflow: visible !important; } body { ..... overflow: visible !important; padding-right: 0 !important; } ``` to fix my problem with the header and...