
Results 44 comments of Vasily

@falahati as I've stated elsewhere, I have not checked that on 20xx series as I don't have access to them. > As for `NvAPI_GPU_GetAllTempsEx`, I have never heard of it...

Another thought on interpreting the temperatures - I've tried a closer look on those at my RTX cards, and I think that _maybe_ the hotspot is `temperatures[1]`, core is `temperatures[0]`....

Here are my readings (using my code... to lazy to compile .net now): ``` NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090: bitsize=10 (mask=1023): hotspots 44 56 44 46 54 46 51 49 vram...

> I get another value as part of the padding (last byte) which happens when I am mixing and matching the bits, can you test that on your device to...

I've also noted that the last octet of first unknown is changing from measurement to measurement, but is always divisible by `8`. Other than that it's value seems to be...

Well, after trying my latest things on my 1080 / 1080 Ti I no longer think that "bitsize" controls the history... it's probably really different _sensors_, because my 10xx cards...

@falahati Okay, after a little more experiments I believe that the structure should actually be slightly different (ref: ```C++ typedef struct { NvU32 version; NvU32 sensor_mask; NvU32 unknown[8]; NvU32...

@falahati this is hijacking the issue, but I hope you'd forgive me... I've studied thoroughly one of monitoring tools, and I managed to pry from it how to measure power...

Thanks! I found some interesting bits there. Also I've made a separate issue:, sorry for me being lazy :)

ping @maynardminer for potential testing