Jush (yupiop12)

Results 38 comments of Jush (yupiop12)

panes are comimg into the terminal soon, well its already within the code, its just unfinished

This project is currently inactive, in my opinion you should switch to 6cord instead. I don't believe there will be any updates anytime soon. Not sure if 6cord has accent...

This is within my first attempt. You need to either change the way this is structured or somehow have a magic phrase that will execute this. I love it! ![image](https://github.com/JushBJJ/Mr.-Ranedeer-AI-Tutor/assets/36951064/4d4f6688-3f20-45f1-bd90-efa0f97fc39f)

We're slowly getting there on this I tried the updated prompt and it still wouldn't work forme. So instead of the text on top of the prompt, I tried adding...

> Hi there, i am wondering how it works! I thought ChatGPT can only receive JSON, YAML or Markdown format. It is surprising that it accepts Python code. Is there...

This looks great! And it works too https://chat.openai.com/share/89a03f1a-1d3c-427b-acd2-6cb4b118cc4b When I can allocate time I will tweak the python code a little bit, /self-eval doesn't the way it intends to. And...

I apologize for the quietness the last 2 weeks, but I don't think it is viable to make a python version of this now because of the new format that...

I would love to add a config wizard, but due to the current 25 message limit + 8k token limit, I don't think its necessary at the moment. So I'm...

Here's an idea, we could create a specialized prompt running on GPT-3.5 to act as a Configuration Wizard, users would be directed to the direct Wizard link if they do...