
Results 18 issues of Joseph

I think libgtk2 is missing, but I installed libgtk2. What's the problem?,int((current_input-self.cnn_len_filt[i]+1)/self.cnn_max_pool_len[i]),momentum=0.05)) I pulled out the module and it looks like: BatchNorm1d(80, eps=2583, momentum=0.05, affine=True, track_running_stats=True) when I set batchnorm = [True, True, True] and layernorm = [False, False, False] in...

Just to clarify, in the paper the overlap is said to be 10ms, but in the code the shift is said to be 10ms. Does that mean between 2 consecutive...

Hi, Could you publish the pre-trained models? Thanks, Best, Joseph

Hi, How are the models pretrained? I notice that custom architectures like injector and extractors require rewriting the model, so I'm assuming you pretrained the model yourself? If that's correct,...

I'm not sure if my mixing is exactly same as yours, but does your torchaudio read the wav files to int(value is typically around a couple hundred) or to float...

As in title, can you replace the standard ViT encoder with a swin transformer + FPN? Would this be a reasonable thing to try out?

the rendered images are blurry. Any ideas on how to improve?


### Description Hi, it seems like the backward() function in SpecifyGradient does not consider gradient scaling. I realized this because I tried to return torch.sum(gt_grad**2), and then skip the u-net...


Fixed z-variance loss by normalizing weights. This is crucial to ensure that the model isn't encourage to generate empty pixels(since empty pixels have zero z-variance) Added other HiFA(image space loss,...