
Results 7 comments of Jonny

The default is positionAfter, so you should no need to specify any options, just pass `[]` like this: `try UIViewController.aspect_hook(#selector(SuperViewController.viewDidLoad), with: [], usingBlock: wrappedObject)`

Hi, if you have a Mac, you may grab a copy of the source code, then compile and install the app via Xcode.

Hi, if you have a Mac, you may grab a copy of the source code, then compile and install the app via Xcode. Sorry but I'm not going to update...

I agree that providing a search bar for manually lyrics searching can mitigate this issue. But it may cause overburdening at the same time. Still need a better way to...

A potential approach is to fetch Chinese version of music info from China mainland’s storefront via [Apple Music API](, and then fetch lyrics with those Chinese info.

The issue is still appear on iOS 13.4. Did you managed to get around it?

Thank you, this works like a charm! I wonder why it hasn't got merged yet.