@tpluscode I have been working on this... I have made a lot of progress but I am not done. There are several intersections between types used in `sparql-engine`, `n3`, and...
Some time ago I did this kind of update on my local fork, though on an older version of `sparql-engine` and a version of `sparql.js` preceding the major API change....
@thatcort @Callidon I am in the thick of it right now, and would like to be done this week. Is this fast enough? I am working through this task progressively,...
@Callidon @thatcort I am still working on contribution I commenced but had to pause for a week. It was my goal to use the latest sparql.js version where the first...
@Callidon @Callidon What is your feeling about using the `RDF.Quad` to replace the `Algebra.TripleObject`? Because that is the path I am on right now.
@Callidon Great! I agree, and this approach appears consistent with the needs described by @thatcort, so will continue the path I am on.
I concur with @csarven and I am hoping to bolt rdfstore-js to a key-value based store (lmdb) that stores a local copy on the file system. It is incredibly fast,...
The http module works as it is when using formData, but it is important to not set any `Content-Type` properties, either on the `headers` or `type` options when using multi-part...
@staltz, I was doing work on a file uploader and encountered gaps in documentation and examples on successfully attaching files to http post operations. I thought a representative example might...
@ktk @Callidon I had worked out much of the changeover in a fork I was working on but then got slammed with other projects. I want to finish my efforts...