Maybe even ask them for help with it? On Aug 10, 2016 9:49 AM, "Forrest" [email protected] wrote: > This reminds me that once we have things in a reasonable state...
I have no idea on where to even start, otherwise I would have done it already... Sorry. On Aug 10, 2016 10:58 AM, "Nils" [email protected] wrote: > @Junior1544 https://github.com/Junior1544 My...
I don't know about anyone else, but i'd donate to a good developer (or team) to help get this thing back on track... I'm trying to use it with livestream.com...
Thanks @scottbernstein !! But, I just gave that a shot, and am getting a forbidden error... the live stream i'm trying to play can be viewed directly on this url:...
Thank you @scottbernstein I think that there's a rather large issue here.... It's not for a windows computer. it's for use with Linux, the Raspberry Pi... And, I did it...
Maybe, if anyone is able to get a hold of the current person who 'own's' this git, can get a few more people added as admin's to it and then...