Results 22 comments of Jun

it worked for me using disableOffline option. Not sure about @manueliglesias suggestion as I didn't try. We decided not to use appsync and go for API Gateway for now. It...

@tadasauciunas I installed libreoffice on my mac but I can't find `share/config` directory. Could you provide more information on how to find that directory? @evrardts Do you know where...

@evrardts @tadasauciunas Thanks. I found the `share/config` folder amer1993 shared the config file in this

@szhaomsft I tried adding charset=UTF-8 but it still doesn't work. These are the headers that I used ``` headers = {"Content-type" : "application/ssml+xml; charset=UTF-8", "X-Microsoft-OutputFormat" : "riff-24khz-16bit-mono-pcm", "Authorization" : "Bearer...

@kdaily I added logging and I could see that it is using `boto3-1.18.55 botocore-1.21.55` ``` 'User-Agent': 'Boto3/1.18.55 Python/3.9.8 Linux/5.10.76-linuxkit exec-env/AWS_Lambda_python3.9 Botocore/1.21.55'} ``` I didn't install urllib3 so it is using...

@kdaily yea, sure. I removed signature and some info. If there is some sensitive info that needs to be deleted, please let me know. Thank you [s3head-request-debug-log.txt](

@kdaily sorry, it seems to be still happening. When I ran locally using `sam`, I didn't notice that but I found it in CloudWatch log

I also experience a similar situation. It works with nyc@10 but not with [email protected] With [email protected], I got unknown for all files, one empty json and one non-empty that seems...

@bmcfee I want to change the playbackRate of the audio without changing the pitch. I am trying to achieve what html5 audio.playbackRate does. When I use `time_stretch` alone, it seems...

@bmcfee 1. You can use html5 audio in this repo: to change an audio playbackRate. I used 1.5 rate. I also used pyrb.time_stretch to increase the audio playback rate to...