Jumabek Alikhan

Results 12 issues of Jumabek Alikhan

Hi @tzutalin, Thank you for sharing this valuable code. Using your code I downloaded images of bird using --wnid n01503061 Now I have annotations in the following naming format: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4343873/27565746-f92d623a-5a94-11e7-855d-76dcfc1b0bc3.png)...

Hello, I am using R with jupyter notebook (rpy2) and cannot solve this issue. Can anyone give at least pointers please? ``` %%R library(tibble) library(dplyr) library(forcats) library(tidyr) library(purrr) library(psych) library(stringr)...

Hi @bertinetto , thanks for open sourcing this brilliant work! I want to run demo/evaluation. After downloading pretrained nets and validation videos. I executed `run_cfnet1_evaluation.m` but I have the following...

Hi, I want to port this into windows. However, I have no previous experience in software build nor in porting. Could you point me where to start. My current problem...

Hi, thx for the dataset. Could you please share the annotations as well?

Please help me! I am having following error when run ` cd $ROOT/lib/ make` `C:\faster-rcnn-resnet\lib>make python setup.py build_ext --inplace Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 58, in CUDA...

Hi, due to many reasons we might stop training in half way. I know that caffe has an option to resume training from a snapshot. Is it possible to add...

I am having issue loading the trained checkpoint to FPNSSD512 model. How can I fix that? ``` RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for FPNSSD512: Missing key(s) in state_dict: "fpn.conv1.weight", "fpn.bn1.running_var",...

Hi @kuangliu, in the evaluation code you are decoding boxes on the cpu . https://github.com/kuangliu/torchcv/blob/master/examples/fpnssd/eval.py#L57 My question is why don't use gpu? UPDATE 1: below measurement is actually incorrrect, because...

Hello, thank you for your valuable contribution! Downloaded from google drive multiple times. Then extraction attempt results in the same issue. Would you please check if the google drive zip...