I'm currently evaluating the tool. To quickly test it, I've used the docker-compose.yml from the Readme of this repo and ran the commands provided by the Readme. After that, I've...
I am experiencing the same problems - do you have got any solution? I already thinking of finding an alternative to schedy...
Hopefully, I don't need to go down that route as well... Thanks anyway for the update :)
I went down that route and switched to: https://github.com/nielsfaber/scheduler-component For anyone who is interested I'm happy to write a little bit more about on how I archived a similar behaviour...
Hi, I can see that you have the Eurotronics Spirit Zigbee Thermostat. I have the same Thermostats and I can confirm having the same problems. Moreover, I can see a...
Yes - in some way. I've also updated HA to 2021.12 and haven't checked this behaviour described above yet. Downgrading AppDaemon 4.1, at least, leads to a different, more functional,...