
Results 18 comments of Julio

Id very much like this to happen! Im not experienced with JS but I might give it a go at some point. Any pointers regarding this? Would it be enough...

I've started to find this isue with the freezes in the mic recording, but video seems fine. And Im not getting any Kooha is not responding, but mic seems to...

I agree we should at least get a confirmation the process has finished successfully. It's very uninformative this way.

I believe I'm having the same issue. When appium tries to look if the app I'm testing is installed, by executing: /root/platform-tools/adb -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 install /app/xxx.apk > org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException:...

Hey, I use Fedora 35 which defaults to wayland and Im having issues with GTK initialization that I suspect could come from using WAYLAND, as otherwise I've followed the steps....

What you need to do is extract the HDD image and use it when you create a new container, so you always keep the same data. You can find the...

Yes for a simple persisten setup, osx-kvm can be enough. But I think Docker-OSX is easier to setup these days. Up to him to decide :slightly_smiling_face:

I've been havin this issue lately. Definitely didn't happen before 'hera' to me.

I can confirm this issue persists.