
Results 8 issues of JulioV

Hi, Is it possible to add support for the SparkFun 9DoF Razor IMU M0 (SEN-14001)? https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14001 Thanks, Julio

I just wanted to share the following CSS snippet that keeps read articles in display after clicking on their External link. This behavior changed with the latest update. ```css .hide-read-items...

question / discussion

I'm getting this erro: ``` ERROR: Invalid backend slack_webhook ``` with the following config file ``` backends: [slack_webhook] slack_webhook: url: "my_url" user: "Julio" ``` I noticed the latest version on...

There's an error, similar to this [issue](https://github.com/tidyverse/lubridate/issues/778), that happens when using period inside mutate and both `num` and `units` are columns in the tibble being piped. This happens regardless of...

It would be useful to have a function that could delete tracks so the playback control can be reused As a second suggestion another function to delete cleanly the controls...

We collected data from an iPhone 12, running iOS 13.3.1 using client version 19.3.0 with significant motion enabled. So far and after seven days, we have collected all accelerometer data...

good first issue

The iOS activity recognition setting in the client (`frequency_plugin_ios_activity_recognition`) displays the default value instead of the study value after joining a study. It is unclear if this is only a...

When using the Healthkit plugin and setting preperiod to a value bigger than 1, only new devices that join the study download the past data. If we change `preperiod_days_health_kit` in...