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updateVariableSolverData! bug and API

Open Affie opened this issue 4 years ago • 19 comments

MethodError: no method matching updateVariableSolverData!(::LightDFG{SolverParams,DFGVariable,DFGFactor}, ::Symbol, ::Bool, ::Array{Symbol,1}, ::Bool)


MethodError: no method matching  updateVariableSolverData!(::LightDFG{SolverParams,DFGVariable,DFGFactor}, ::Symbol, ::Nothing, ::Symbol, ::Bool)

and this is also broken:

updateVariableSolverData!(dfg, xi.label, getSolverData(xi, :default), :graphinit, true, Symbol[], false)

Affie avatar Jul 29 '20 07:07 Affie