okay, thank you for your reply. I will use this script.
I also could not find these .py files. Have you found these?
@Abyssaledge Hello, good afternoon! I found FSDv2 for nuScense didn't use roi_head. nuScenes doesn't need roi_head? Actually, I modified CTRL refine to nuScenes, but the accuracy dropped. I found CTRL...
> What do you mean by `accuracy dropped`? Worse than the base detector? FSDv2 does not adopt roi_head in nusc is because the metric in nusc is center-based instead of...
@jaidevd I have re-installed, but the result is still different from matlab's, the number of imfs is too small, sometimes just one imf component.
self.nbit = 0 nbit's value should be reseted in "emd.py".
"while not(stop_sift) and (self.nbit < self.maxiter):" if "self.nbit" is not reseted, above while loop will be not executed.
Hello, I want to know why you didn't use Huggingface's trainer, I found it's more quickly.
> @JuiceLemonLemon reason was we were getting issue on HF trainers being opened here, which then we had to work with HF or go debug the trainer. So it was...