Hello, Thanks for your excellent paper. There is one thing that confused me. Your paper applies the same geometric transformation to the input feature and output feature, does this mean...
Hi Hugues, Thanks for your excellent contribution. I have some questions. When I want to handle the S3DIS dataset, the first thing is subsampling it to yield a subsampled point...
Hello Sir, thanks for your excellent work. When I try to implement this work with S3DIS dataset. I met some issues: 1. When the dataset was given, I printed the...
Hello, Thanks for your work. May I ask, have you met this problem in your training with train_gen.py [lgan_mmd-CD] nan [lgan_cov-CD] 0.24250001 [lgan_mmd_smp-CD] nan Traceback (most recent call last): File...
Hi, thanks for your contribution. I downloaded the scenenn_seg_76.zip and unzip. When I check the data, the scenenn_seg_id.hdf5, the key data has 12 elements, for example : array([ 0.64248586, -0.39961523,...
Hi, thanks for your work, Could you tell me about 2 questions: There is no mother wavelet in the second-generation wavelet, is this correct? And is it able to do...