Juanito Fatas

Results 40 issues of Juanito Fatas

When using Turbolinks 3's partial replacement, it reruns all the script on the page as well means that the `javascript_initialization` will also be run again, leads to double binding. Related:...

Snap CI: https://snap-ci.com Waiting for them to expose ENVs: https://github.com/snap-ci/docs.snap-ci.com/issues/13

When an application installs rails master, it clones rails for 12 times. By storing Railsβ€˜s subgems under the same name "rails" in the pending queue. We can avoid clone rails...

I saw this FIXME so I updated the code πŸ˜… jruby check: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/blob/5912f1dc54ac1fa87baf0ea1962e6f252d12a9f7/bundler/lib/bundler/current_ruby.rb#L54-L56 java check: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/blob/5912f1dc54ac1fa87baf0ea1962e6f252d12a9f7/lib/rubygems.rb#L1078-L1083

Implement `gel add` command ([Context](https://twitter.com/ioquatix/status/1185775170490753024)). This command will let people add a gem to their `Gemfile`. Similar to [bundle add](https://bundler.io/v2.0/man/bundle-add.1.html) that adds gem to the `Gemfile` and run `bundle install`....

`gel env` prints the information in markdown format for debugging, `gel env --full` for people to report bugs. - I only print things that are available from `ENV` or built-in...

I was studying what they are and found these names are easier to understand.

Run the codebase with bee1a797 and experience broken pipe errors intermittently at local ```zsh 26m0s error: Async::Task [oid=0x3ff666b3f0c8] [pid=74443] [2020-03-16 00:06:14 +0900] | Errno::EPIPE: Broken pipe | β†’ 131 |...

Should we add advisory templates in Wiki, or other repository or this repository? So we'll have same format of advisory and other people can help add advisories.

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