Józef Flakus
Józef Flakus
It is not a company... but, **Marble.js** framework integrates deeply with `fp-ts`. Logo: https://github.com/marblejs/marble/blob/master/assets/img/logo.svg Website: http://marblejs.com Repository: https://github.com/marblejs/marble
@VitalyVrublevskiy I'm working on new example project which will cover all important aspects of the framework. IMO the current one is too fuzzy. Please be patient :)
I probably spot the problem - `tsconfig`. The issue looked suspicious then as a last test I copy and pasted tsconfig from my different project. Right now I'm not sure...
Hi @sjanota! Could you describe the use case for this problem? Marble.js has many possible ways for composing middlewares and some of them don't infer/pass the type by design. In...
One additional question - did you try to compose it directly inside the effect? [see here](https://docs.marblejs.com/http/middlewares)
I have to analyze this topic deeper but the problem that you described is already known. For now `r.use` doesn't infer types from middlewares but you can achieve the same...
@paulvitic thanks for reporting an issue. 1. Is rabbit server established? 2. Do you have or can create a repository with reproducible problem?
Are you able to create a minimal, reproducible repository that shows the problem? It is really hard to tell what is wrong based on the snipped that you posted here...
@paulvitic any updates in this topic?