The sidebar is currently sorted by alphabetical order. This is somewhat okay, but often doesn't actually show what you are working on. Characters and Timelines are also mixed which can...
Character suggestions are currently global. It would be much better if characters that were already used in the current timeline would be suggest at the top.
Currently we use "Group" and "Folder" interchangeably for variable groups/folders. In the code they are more referred to as folders, in the interface more as groups. This should be unified....
It would be nice to have searching functionality similar to the script editors in the timeline text editor.
Right now Dialogic.Portraits.get_character_info(character).node.get_child(0) does this, but it's longer then necessary. - `Dialogic.Portraits.get_character_portrait(character)` should work. Maybe `Dialogic.Portraits.get_speaker_portrait()` should be added as well.
This would break backwards compatibility but might be worth it.
We have this whole custom sound randomizer system, even though godot now has a built-in solution. We should evaluate how we can use that to simplify our code.
For accessability it would be very useful to be able to override certain settings of the styles, especially font, font_size, font_color & bg_color/modulation. This should also be doable from code...