> Clarification: this is about support of the new module system introduced in Java 9. > > Users can still use Java 9 for compilation and runtime, as long as...
> TypeHandler只用于存储或结果映射,目前不用于where条件 TypeHandler失效的情况很多,更新也不生效,即使你配置了application.yml 即使你在TableName注解和TableField上加了TypeHandler,例如: ``` LambdaUpdateWrapper updateWrapper = Wrappers.lambdaUpdate(); updateWrapper.eq(NodeDO::getId, nodeDO.getId()) .set(NodeDO::getTagChain, tagChain); boolean result = this.update(nodeDO, updateWrapper); ``` 应该是能存储映射的,实际不能
使用官方的docker-compose方式启动,在example的目录下,创建.env文件,内容为NACOS_VERSION=x.x.x,后面是你的版本。官方下载的有若干个docker-compose的yaml配置文件,例如standalone和cluster。使用其中一种启动,如`docker-compose -f example/standalone-mysql-5.7.yaml up -d`,如果成功的话,对比env文件和你的-e参数哪里不同。我就是这样发现的官方的cluster的bug
This is a necessary feature. And `exact_time` is not very accurate, because if you see schedule due time, usually it has a few seconds lag on that host. maybe `run_at`...
> this is already being discussed (including a solution) in [issue 326]( Unfortunately it has not made any progress in terms of producing a PR. I saw it on,...