Joshua Wise

Results 108 comments of Joshua Wise

@bombard-kb `better-sqlite3` and `express` don't interact in any way whatsoever. It could be related to a timeout occurring in `express`, but it likely is completely unrelated to `better-sqlite3`.

@JefStat `better-sqlite3` has to be compiled with SQLite as a static library, not a precompiled dynamic library. You can, however, use a [custom amalgamation]( with your own custom compile-time options....

> Can I store an image as a Blob in sqlite/better-sqlite3 @fakob, you can store *any* arbitrary data in a Blob, so the answer is yes. > Can I have...

@mygithubid1, Here's the basic idea: ```js const fs = require('fs'); const db = require('better-sqlite3')('data.db'); db.function('delete_file', (filename) => { fs.unlinkSync(String(filename)); }); db.exec(` CREATE TEMPORARY TRIGGER delete_student_files AFTER DELETE ON StudentFiles BEGIN...

@vurdeljica, the `db.prepare()` function returns a [Statement]( object. To execute a statement, you should use ``. The `db.exec()` function you're using expects an SQL string, not a statement object. This...

@Mwni , still waiting on that reproducible example...

Closing due to inactivity

We'll do this in the next major version update.

Dropped support in master branch.

Could you try using version [`7.5.1`](