How do we add support for keeping book-nlp loaded (and Stanford NLP which it uses), so we don't have to reload every time we process a new book?
These questions are about using SLING on a small data set. Motivation for using SLING: SLING appears to be unique in providing a good framework for specifying and training on...
Reproducibility on the training process is great, but for someone like me just looking for a way to use the model, is there anywhere the pretrained model is hosted? And...
Thank you for authoring this format. Has any work been done yet on converting any other format to ScreenJSON or from ScreenJSON, including plain text?
I found 3 significant issues that directly prevented me from using this library for decoding a JWT token that was created by separate code: 1. Specifying "aud" as audience and...
This website sends to the default nginx page: The Discord invite is now invalid: