Josh Sears
Josh Sears
@DrStrangepork So, are you looking for something more like " User _name_ already in party"? Sorry to jump in here if I am not supposed to. CS student here, trying...
The other question would be how to approach multiple failed invitations? Would we prefer: User _name1_ already in party User _name2_ already in party or Users already in party: _name1_...
If you two believe this could be an easier fix, is this something I could work on to get my feet wet? Currently, I see using the UUID to request...
As I was trying to find the locations of the messages, and trying to track where code may have to be altered, I noticed other messages such as if multiple...
Progress: Got the message to display "User _name_ (UUID) already in a party". Now I just have to find where in the code we do the inviting from, so I...
@Alys I could use some guidance. Got the changes done where the name and uuid display on the "user already in a party" message. Just to take a step further,...
Could it be that in throwing errors, as opposed to loading all the strings for later display, we are losing the ability to continue? Edit: I did some testing in...
Okay. The only written code thus far is to fix the errors to show UUIDs and names.
So, being one of the newest (potential) contributer, I like your idea @Alys. Error messages get added to an array/linked list/ array of structs/etc, then if not empty, we loop...
@Alys I will get the changes thus far submitted this weekend for review - maybe to at least get part of the original problem fixed. I want to read up...