
Results 11 comments of JoshOBrien

Just installed the development version, and with it in place, I haven't been able to figure out how to get a connection set up using `dbConnect()`. The use of `dbDriver()`...

Sure. Thanks for your help. I just did that, and get the same output as before for the two approaches tried above: ``` con

Oh, sure: ``` > devtools::install_github("rstats-db/RMySQL") Downloading GitHub repo rstats-db/RMySQL@master from URL Installing RMySQL Skipping 2 packages ahead of CRAN: DBI, Rcpp "c:/R/R-current/bin/i386/R" --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save \ --no-restore CMD INSTALL...

Thanks. Would help if I could, and am happy to test whatever fixes you come up with, when you have the time.

I just went ahead and modified `editFeatures()` to take and process additional arguments `pmToolbarOpts`, `pmDrawOpts`, `pmEditOpts`, and `pmCutOpts`, which it then passes on to the corresponding **leafpm** functions. Would this...

For the time being, when I needed `rowWhichMaxs()` functionality, I did this (piggy-backing on `rowRanks()`), which speeds up things about 10-fold relative to an `apply()`-based solution: as.vector((rowRanks(x) == ncol(x)) %*%...

FTR, in #26, I include an alternative version of the R `fasterize()` wrapper. It implements this feature as part of a more general upgrade of `fasterize()`'s handling of factor and...

@herryATcsiro -- It must be at least partially installation-specific, as your code works without complaint on my Windows 10 box. FWIW, comparing my session info to yours, I do notice...

@noamross Just pinging you once to ask whether you might welcome a PR incorporating these tweaks, or whether you've had a look at the above and are not so inclined....

Same problem here. The error message does give at least one hint as to what's going wrong. This line (copied from the OP, and also a part of my error...