Josh Shepherd

Results 21 comments of Josh Shepherd

The source is in the repo since it's open source. This will only be null if you have no playlists and I haven't touch this code in a while so...

There is a system for debugging in Editor using the MobileSpotifyService, [info here]( Are you building the demo scene onto your android device? Or is it a custom scene? If...

Okay, that's more info. However, it seems like there's two problems. First one being with Newtonsoft.Json having "Platform not supported.". I suggest swapping out Newtonsoft with [Json.NET]( This step is...

Sorry for the late response. That problem is one that I know about and trying to fix 1. Yes you can play/pause songs in your app. But just as stated...

Hi, the "Unable to find constructor..." is fixable like said above, by using [Json.NET]( Unless you wish to clone SpotifyAPI.NET and add in the constructors 🤷‍♂️ However, the NotSupportedException is...

Hey. As you found, v2 only supports Win Linux and Mac due to a deeper issue from Unity. I'd love to support mobile but the issue at hand is something...

Is this when you are testing inside the Editor? If you read the documentation, testing while on PC targeting Android requires you to do additional steps to be able to...

Preferably, you should use your OWN schema and not the example one so that there aren't any conflicts with other people's schema's AND so that you've followed each setup step....

Okay, so you aren't getting a blank page, the problem is right there on the web page. **The redirect uri is incorrect.** Can you check the url of the web...

What? I asked you to check the "&redirect_uri=..." parameter. Can you copy and paste the full URL of the 'blank page' **but remove your client id from the string**?