Joschua Loth
Joschua Loth
The options to include support for `allo-isolate` would be to 1. Add the necessary dart code as a preamble in the configuration of ffigen 2. make cbindgen on the rust...
seems that including the crate with cbindgen works well enough. But using ffigen requires ffi version 1 now, so porting that needs to happen first. I opened a [PR for...
the current problem seems to be that the ci cant properly run ffigen and the generated files are not present once the flutter build step runs, the generated bindings aren't...
ah, i thought the field in the name would be the command that is run. Never mind then.
@arctic-alpaca the IOS build seems to fail because of some defines in it (or probably rather in one of the headers) clashes with a definition in the build-in headers of...
So the new Problem is that ffigen can't find the llvm libraries on the build server. Again, the fix is probably easy, but I have no idea where the libraries...