
Results 7 issues of lilcandle

没看懂项目中的代理没有在config/dev中找到proxy文件 如果想爬国外网站采用本地代理方式该如何设置呢

controller: ![image]( model_worker: I waited for an hour with no output and no errors. Can someone tell me what's going on?

Bug Type: **`Style`** ## Environment - Vue Version: `3.4.21` - Element Plus Version: `2.7.1` - Browser / OS: `Chrome 123.0.6312.107 / MacOS 13.4` - Build Tool: `Vite` ## Reproduction ###...

``` 2022-10-12 14:30:04 [ERROR] IdType::Unknown 0x51 0xe3 0xfd 0x12 0x6f 0x8 0xc8 0x44 0xa2 0xad 0x23 0x57 0xb7 0xc3 0x52 0x21 ``` How to solve
