Not necessarily, it will be depend on the view itself. :)
Hi Asykur, For your case, you only need to get the MenuItem view and send it by 'targetView' function to your BubbleShowCaseBuilder. To get the MenuItem view from your Activity,...
Hi wezley98, It is only possible to close the Bubble clicking the targetView or the closeActionImage.
Hi wezley98 and abel2901, A new library version has been published: ```groovy implementation 'com.elconfidencial.bubbleshowcase:bubbleshowcase:1.3.0' ``` Now, you can know when the user clicks on the bubble or the background dim....
Hi vijaemanlapaz, I have been investigating the possible cause of this bug. It seems it occurs when the BubbleShowCase is trying to locate the target view and it is out...