Jordi Valls Margarit

Results 9 issues of Jordi Valls Margarit

Dear all, I just only want to know, if realize the parsimony step for normalize... If is yes, i just only want to know which flag is related to...

Dear, I'm confused in order to use the parameters of svtools... in lmerge.... After use lsort, I want to merge al my samples wit lmerge. But I dont know how...

Dear all, I run all my samples with lumpy, the lumpy developers recommended me use the -P option in order to run svtools lsort. All my 808 samples are ran...

Dear, I try to ran bayestyper. First of all I ran KMC and bayestypertools without any problem, but when I want to run bayestyper cluster appear the following error: bayesTyper:...

Dear Jonas, I read the paper and I've to congratulate, because is really interesting! I contact to you because I'm interested to use BayesTyper to genotype my samples. I've 808...

Hi, my name is Jordi and I want to use the file svpop-truth-baseline.vcf.gz from But I dont know how it has been done.... From where you download this data??...

Hi Ryan, I have a new question about processing multiple samples by LUMPY... I 've 808 wgs samples at 30X (human and ref genome which I used is hs37d5 like...

Hi every one, I installed the program Gap2Seq, and I found different bugs (or I hope) in the binary Gap2Seq. when you ran the Gap2Seq like this: Gap2Seq --vcf insertions_filtered.vcf...

Dear, I only want to know which format return the program... I ran several programs to detect de novo insertions, but I want to know if the vcf which I...