I also have the same problem. Both `.getWifiBSSID()` and `.getWifiName()` got null. - iOS 16.6
Hey guys. Thanks for create this library. It works good to Flutter Android. My situation: - iOS 16 - After connected to the WIFI, disconnect from WIFI failed. Log in...
The solution for me is the following: 1. Activate _Access Wi-Fi Information_ capability: AppleDeveloperPortal / Identifiers / [ YOUR APP IDENTIFIER ] / check _Access Wi-Fi Information_. 2. Add one...
hey @daadu A friendly question. This PR is already staying here for 3 weeks. Who can I contact to review this PR? 😉
hey @mavyfaby A friendly question. This PR is already staying here for a month. Who can I contact to review this PR? 😉
Same problem here. Still not find answer. - iOS 16 - After connected to the WIFI, disconnect from WIFI failed. Log in XCode console as following: ``` NEHotspotNetwork nehelper sent...