Jonas Sander

Results 50 comments of Jonas Sander

Just as a thought: With the advances in the Dart ecosystem on the Flutter side I think it is save to say that Dart will also have more adoption on...

Hey @munificent just saw your draft "[Patterns Feature Specification](" ❤️ Is there already a place where this is discussed? Is it alright to give some feedback to this spec in...

Just gonna put something I had written somewhere here anyway 😉 I didn't yet quite grasp the advantages of this: ```dart double calculateArea(Shape shape) => switch (shape) { case Square(length:...

I'm also hoping that this will be added, a way to have a default implementation of `==`, `hashCode` and `toString` would make many things much easier and faster.

We're looking to replace Firebase including Firestore in the future. GraphQL would maybe a nice "replacement" on the client side and offline support would be killer;) (Disclaimer: Haven't used GraphQL...

Well 11👍 now ;) I really wish to have way more refactorings for dart and this is one that I would honestly use very often.

Would love to see this natively integrated!

I mean for me (or better said my use case) it doesn't make sense to have all this middleware goodness if you can't possibly read the body of the request

In any case we should also probably mention the requirements for the user name on the page. At time of writing these are invalid characters: ``` static RegExp charactersNotAllowedInNames =...

See also #97 #96 that might be fixed by updating `package_info_plus`