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Patterns and related features

Open munificent opened this issue 4 years ago • 80 comments

We're starting to investigate a couple of related language changes around tuples, pattern matching, and destructuring. These features touch on other things like "data classes", so I wanted to kick things off by trying to sketch out my understanding of the space, how I think the various features relate to each other, and the relevant issues people have filed.

Draft feature specification:


As I understand it, the core concepts are:


Languages with pattern matching revolve around patterns. "Expression" and "statement" are both syntactic categories in the grammar. Patterns form a third category. Most languages that have pattern matching have a variety of different kinds of patterns they support. The basic idea with a pattern is that it:

  • Can be tested against some value to determine if the pattern matches. Some kinds of patterns always match.
  • If (and only if) it does match, the pattern may bind a new variable in some scope.

Languages with patterns use them in a variety of places. They can be how you declare variables and catch exceptions. Some languages use them for defining parameter lists or "overloads" of a function. Every language with patterns has some kind of explicit pattern matching expression or statement...

  • (pattern for catch clauses)
  • (case functions)

Pattern matching

Once you have patterns, it makes sense to introduce a control flow structure that uses them. A pattern matching statement takes a value that it matches against. Then it has a series of pairs of patterns and bodies. At runtime, the implementation tests each pattern against the value in turn. The first pattern that matches has its body executed. Any variables the pattern binds are only available in the corresponding body.

If you really want a functional style, an even more powerful form is a pattern matching expression that lets you do pattern matching in the middle of a larger expression and have it evaluate to a value. In order to do that in a sound way, though, you need the next concept...

  • (switch expression)
  • (switch expression)


So you're executing a pattern matching construct, walking through all of the patterns to find a match. What happens if none of the cases match? If the pattern matching construct is an expression, this is a real problem because what value do you evaluate to in that case? Even when you are using pattern matching as a statement, users still likely want to know if it's possible for a value to not match any of the cases.

To help with that, many languages with pattern matching also do exhaustiveness checking. The static checker will examine all of the patterns and determine if it's possible for a value to sneak through and match none of them. If so, the compiler reports a warning or error to let the user know. Dart does a limited form of this now with switch statements on enum types. If you miss one of the enum cases, Dart gives you a warning to let you know. Exhaustiveness checking in pattern matching takes that concept and applies it to much larger, more complex patterns.


A list literal expression takes a number of smaller values, the list element expressions, and composes a new larger value out of them, the list. Patterns go in the other direction. For example, a list pattern contains a series of nested patterns for elements. When the list pattern is matched against a list, it destructures the list by walking the elements and matching them against the corresponding element patterns.

This gives you a really nice terse way to pull pieces of aggregate objects like lists, maps, and even instances of classes. Any time you have a pattern that contains nested subpatterns, you're usually doing some kind of destructuring.

  • (destructuring)


Lists are a great way to collect a series of values of the same type, but they work poorly when you want to, say return a number and a string from a function. Since lists only have a single element type, the type of each separate element is lost.

Tuples fix that. A tuple is sort of like a fixed-size list where each element has its own distinct type. The type system can see "into" the tuple. A tuple of an int followed by a String has a different static type than a tuple of two booleans. Syntactically, tuples are usually a comma-separated list of expressions surrounded by parentheses, like (1, "string").

Tuples are useful in a statically-typed language for things like multiple return values because they maintain precise types. Once you have a tuple, you eventually need to pull the elements back out of it. You can provide number-like getters, but that gets tedious. Languages with tuples almost always have some kind of tuple pattern so that you can destructure them.

  • (multiple return values)

Algebraic data types, sum types, unions with fields

Pattern matching comes to us from the ML language family. Another key feature of those languages that ties into pattern matching are algebraic data types, also known as sum types, discriminated unions, or tagged unions. To make matters more confusing, these are quite different from both union types and (untagged) unions in C and C++. Algebraic data types are sometimes abbreviated ADT, which is again distinct from abstract data types. Thanks, computer scientists.

Sum types are like superpowered unions. You have a type that contains a fixed, closed set of cases. Unlike Dart enums, each case may also have its own fields containing extra data. For example, you might have a Shape type, with cases for Rect and Circle. Rect would have four coordinates for its corners. Circle would have a center and radius.

In an object-oriented language like Dart, you'd model this using subclasses. You'd have an abstract Shape class and Rect and Circle subclasses. Subclasses and ADTs are sort of duals. Indeed, Scala's case classes are like ADTs but are subclasses under the hood.

These come into discussions of pattern matching because the typical way to define behavior on specific cases in a sum type is by using a pattern match on the different cases. Likewise, the way to extract each case's fields is by using a case pattern to destructure them. Something like:

someShape match {
  case Rect(left, top, right, bottom) => ...
  case Circle(x, y, radius) => ...

It would be very strange to add algebraic data types to a language without a nice way to switch on and decompose them like this.

  • ("sum type", though the request is more for union types)
  • (union types)
  • (fields in enums)
  • (more powerful enums)
  • (algebraic data types)

"Data classes" and "value types"

One of the most frequent feature requests for Dart is some kind of data classes or value types. The former is inspired by Kotlin's corresponding feature. The latter means different things to different people, but common attributes seem to be:

  • A lightweight way of defining a named type with some fields without having to explicitly declare a constructor that initializes each field.

  • An automatically provided implementation of hashCode and operator ==() so that the resulting object has "value semantics".

  • Some kind of immutability. The fields can't be modified. Some ask for deep immutability—the values of all fields must themselves be immutable. This usually implies that the data class can't be extended either.

  • Often some easy way to clone or make a new copy of an object with some fields changed.

Data classes are involved with patterns and pattern matching because users also often request that a data class also implicitly provides destructuring support. (Kotlin data classes give you this.) That means some kind of pattern to let you pull apart the fields in an object.

Also, part of the motivation for both algebraic data types and data classes is a nicer notation for defining a new composite type without all of the boilerplate overhead of a full class declaration. In other words, a good ADT feature might subsume data classes or vice versa.

  • (immutable objects)
  • (primary constructor)
  • (data classes)

Type patterns

The last concept which has mostly come up internally but exposes a capability the language doesn't otherwise offer is some kind of way to expose the runtime type argument of an object. If you have patterns and pattern matching, a natural solution is a type pattern that matches an object of some generic type and binds variables to the object's type arguments.

  • (type decomposition)
  • (type patterns)


We are very early in our investigation. This is a family of features that are very close to my heart. I wrote a doc in 2011 requesting that we add pattern matching to Dart. At the same time, as you can see, this is a big sprawling feature and we currently have our hands full with extension methods and non-nullable types (both very large features in their own right!).

That being said, here is how I am interested in approaching the space and what I hope we can do:

  1. Define a set of pattern syntax and semantics. I think patterns are the most important core to all of these features. You obviously can't do pattern matching, destructuring, and exhaustiveness checking at all without them. You technically can do tuples, sum types, and data classes, but I think they are significantly hampered without them.

    Also, while it may not be obvious, I believe there are some real tricky design challenges in this area. Patterns are a dense grammatical region where we want to be able to express a wide variety of behaviors in a small amount of syntax. We need to be able to destructure lists, maps, sets, and tuples. Do runtime type tests. Pull fields out of, at least, sum types or data classes. And, of course, test for literals and constant values for simple switch-like cases.

    We are constrained by the expectations users bring from other languages, the desire for patterns to mirror their corresponding expression forms, and (hardest) Dart's existing notation for variable declarations, since those are already a limited form of "pattern" in that they introduce bindings.

    I think getting this right is key.

  2. Define a set of language constructs where patterns can be used. Some new kind of pattern matching statement is the obvious one. But also retrofitting them into variable declarations so that you can destructure in a declaration. Can we re-engineer catch clauses to be pattern based so that you can have more sophisticated catches? Should parameter lists use patterns? Do we want an expression-based pattern match? Some kind of if-let-like statement? This is the fun stuff. Once users have internalized how patterns work, the more places they can use that knowledge the better.

  3. Add tuples. This can happen in parallel with the previous one. Much like adding sets, this is a whole feature in its own right with new syntax, object representation, runtime behavior, and type checking.

    @lrhn has already put some work into defining this.

  4. User-defined destructuring. My favorite language features are ones that add new expressive syntax whose semantics can be programmed by an API designer. The for-in loop syntax is baked into the language, but you get to decide what it means in your implementation of Iterable.

    I want the same thing for destructuring. I think a syntax something like Name(subpattern1, subpattern2) (an identifier followed by a parenthesized list of subpatterns) should desugar to calling some user-defined destructuring operation on the matched value. That operation can define whether the value matches or not and, if it does, what subvalues the subpatterns are matched against. There are obviously many details to work out here, but also prior are in Scala's unapply() method and Kotlin's componentN() methods.

  1. Data classes. The least-defined (in my mind) goal is around improving the user experience for easily defining value-like types. This could mean some new explicit "data class" syntax, or a family of smaller features like allowing implicit constructors to take parameters.

    If we allow these two be subclasses of a superclass, then that gets pretty close to sum types once you include the previously-mentioned ability to pattern match on types and destructure them. Likewise, once you have general user-defined destructuring, then any lightweight data class-like syntax can just be syntactic sugar for a class declaration that includes a declaration of its own destructuring support.

As I said, this is all still very early and tentative, but I wanted to collect what I think are the related issues into one place and then begin sketching out a map through this territory.

munificent avatar Aug 26 '19 23:08 munificent

A great digest 👍 In the meanwhile, there is a young library that generates sum-types (-alike classes) for you: (is this shameless plug an off-topic?)

werediver avatar Aug 27 '19 07:08 werediver

In the meanwhile, there is a young library that generates sum-types (-alike classes) for you:

Thanks for mentioning this! This is a good reference for ensuring that whatever we add to the language covers the functionality that users want to see.

munificent avatar Aug 27 '19 16:08 munificent

If existing packages are interesting to see, here's a bunch of them:

rrousselGit avatar Aug 27 '19 16:08 rrousselGit

Since you're collecting information, I'd like to mention my "proposal" where I suggested how you could combine pattern matching, data classes, union types, and typedef into a coherent whole while still making each of those concepts useful individually. The result is easier to use/understand and more flexible than algebraic data types. This is what we want.

So, pattern matching should IMHO focus on these orthogonal concepts of data classes (for destructuring) and union types (for exhaustiveness).

Also, before I found this issue I already commented here on why algebraic data types result in a worse developer experience vs. union types. TL/DR: with algebraic data types, pattern matching forces you to check for cases at runtime (and raise exceptions) although they should be forbidden at compile-time! I suppose that's also relevant to this issue.

wkornewald avatar Sep 13 '19 12:09 wkornewald

@wkornewald The untagged unions concept sounds nice, but it doesn't sound like a replacement to the algebraic data types. They can totally coexist and serve different needs.

(not clear which topic is more relevant, so put in both #546 and #83)

werediver avatar Sep 13 '19 12:09 werediver

I'd say it's more relevant to #83, so let's discuss over there.

wkornewald avatar Sep 13 '19 12:09 wkornewald

I haven't seen lenses mentioned anywhere before when data classes are being discussed. I strongly believe that they would greatly benefit from 'boilerplate free' lenses. This package attempts to solve that by generating data classes and a lens for each property functional_data. Another implementation for more advanced lenses can be found in the package dartz and an example can be found here.

modulovalue avatar Sep 13 '19 14:09 modulovalue

@modulovalue That's a great suggestion. Lenses would be very helpful for safe and ergonomic state management (e.g. for my flutter_simple_state package or, if you prefer, something similar to immutable.js + Omniscient in TypeScript). Unfortunately, it's seemingly impossible to define a lens that can wrap arbitrary (including 3rd-party) data structures / objects. Well, at least without some compile-time code generation...

Maybe lenses should be a separate issue, though?

wkornewald avatar Sep 13 '19 17:09 wkornewald

@modulovalue Whats the benefit of lenses over record copying semantics of F# over lenses. ?

g5becks avatar Sep 21 '19 04:09 g5becks

I’m not familiar with it F#, but what is shown on the linked page looks very similar to copyWith method. Lenses are much more powerful. They allow you to change values deep within a nested data structure. See the example in the functional_data package.

On Sat, 21 Sep 2019 at 06:08, Gary Becks [email protected] wrote:

@modulovalue Whats the benefit of lenses over record copying semantics of F# over lenses. ?

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spkersten avatar Sep 21 '19 04:09 spkersten

I'm also not too familiar with F# but as spkersten said, they are much more flexible by being a more general abstraction.

Take a look at the following code snippet:

class Foo {
  final Bar bar;

class Bar {
  final Baz baz;

class Baz {
  final String content;

A Lens of type Lens<Foo, String> removes the fact that a Bar exists. It lets me access the content of Foo by just having an instance of Foo. The consumer doesn't even care that Baz exists, or where content is. Any changes to the API would not break updateFoo.

Foo updateFoo(Lens<Foo, String> lens, Foo foo) {
  return lens.update(foo, "New Content");

Lenses also pave the way for many other abstractions like the FocusedLens in spkerstens package. Lenses can also be chained which I believe is not possible with copy and update expressions in F#.

But as I mentioned, creating such lenses is too verbose right now. I'd ideally want something like Foo$.bar.baz.content.

-- @wkornewald said

Unfortunately, it's seemingly impossible to define a lens that can wrap arbitrary (including 3rd-party) > data structures / objects. Well, at least without some compile-time code generation... Maybe lenses should be a separate issue, though?

I don't see how the dart team could add support for lenses right now as doing that in the OOP context of Dart only makes sense for data classes. There's not a lot I can say other than asking politely to consider the strengths of this abstraction when implementing data classes.

modulovalue avatar Sep 21 '19 07:09 modulovalue

@spkersten Very cool package, I didn't even know that existed!


I understand what lenses are, but I don't understand what the use case is at a language level vs baked in copyWith ? Even the most functional of languages don't have lens support at the language level. Haskell uses the lens library, Scala uses monocle, F# uses aether, Ocaml uses lens.

Edit... Considering the OO nature of Dart, I do see why this would be more important for dart than it would be in a more functional language, I don't tend to use any inheritance when writing functional code and my records are always designed to be small enough to not need lenses and also not to negatively affect performance. That said, I agree with your point about the team not being able to implement such a feature, would be nice though.

g5becks avatar Sep 21 '19 12:09 g5becks

Can someone comment on the layers that have an effect on the Dart language as described in the grammar to the Dart language I experience as a developer? For instance the analyzer seems to add restrictions, such as not allowing late. I haven't searched the space satisfactorily but my recollection is that the grammar allows things the VS code plugin doesn't.

Another question: Would patterns allow default type parameters like A<B=X, C=Y>? Is this a thing? I want it to be a thing. Then I can have A => A<X,Y>() and A<Z> => A<Z,Y> I'm not sure about a named syntax, maybe A<C:=Z> => A<X,Z>? That looks ugly and maybe positional only would be best. This just came up because I want to have Graph<V, E=V> so that unweighted graphs can be described as Graph<V>, and that means I don't have to create classes solely for hiding the second type parameter.

I looked into other grammars from ANTLR's catalog, and ones with patterns (scala, C#) didn't seem to do anything out of the ordinary in their grammar. Is there a certain way of connecting rules?

Edit Sorry if this is rather open ended and asking for a volume of info, I hope I didn't derail the thread.

jifalops avatar Sep 24 '19 05:09 jifalops

I very much like the proposal to add a form of (ML style) algebraic data types - or even features that would let one encode algebraic data types in a convenient way.

I'd like to point out some "hooks" in the language spec that would make it easy to add ML style algebraic data types.

  • The current spec (version 2.2) talks about enums (Section 13 Enums) being translated to classes; this is already very close to what a "data class" translation would be like.

The following example uses a syntax that is borrowed from Scala 3 (see ...) but swift ( and Kotlin ( take a similar route.

enum Color {
  case Red
  case Green
  case Blue
  case Mix(int mix)

// alternatively:
enum Color(int rgb) {
  case Red extends Color(0xFF0000)
  case Green extends Color(0x00FF00)
  case Blue extends Color(0x0000FF)
  case Mix(int mix) extends Color(mix)

An enum either defines each case using the "case" keyword, or none (which would mean, it's a traditional enum as before). We'd extend the enum translation to create one subclass per case, e.g. (only doing the second example)

class Color {
  final int rgb;

class Red extends Color {
   Red() : super(0xFF0000);
   // appropriate equals and hashcode implementations

class Mix extends Color {
  final int mix;
  Mix(this.mix) : super(mix);
  // ...

Instead of the verbose inline "extends", one could use the syntax for super constructors and say case Red : super(0xFF0000) right away. However it would be harder to specialize generic arguments, which is useful:

enum Expr<T> {
  case Number(int n) extends Expr<Int>;
  case String(string s) extends Expr<String>;
  • Now, if we wanted data classes, it could make sense to introduce the "enum class"
enum class JustData(int foo, string bar) : SomeSuper(foo) {
  // normal class body, but ... no mutable fields
  JustData.extra(string fooArg) : this(_parse(fooArg))

Again, the same class translation that is spec'ed for "enum" would be used (which somewhat justifies the use of the num keyword).

class JustData extends SomeSuper {
  final int foo;
  final string bar; 

  JustData(, : super(foo);
  JustData.extra(string fooArg) : this(_parse(fooArg))
  // appropriate equals and hashcode
  // normal class body
  • A suitable syntax for patterns would include destructuring of case classes (whether they are in an enum or outside). Exhaustivity checking only applies to things that are defined within an enum (which takes care of "sealed" scenario). A pattern Foo(p1, ..., pN) would always match a Foo whose main constructor was called with e1, ..., eN and each e_i matches the p_i.

  • a pattern matching expression (whether it's switch or match) should definitely be an expression, i.e. produce a value.

  • a pattern matching expression can be translated in a nested tree of type tests and binding statements. We can add various forms of runtime tests to the pattern syntax (including type tests and and type binding, since that is available at runtime in dart). One can do an "optimizing" translation where the result of a type test is used for the rest of the match so never has to be needlessly repeated (it is possible to specify this as a requirement, however, it would be easier to leave it to implementations).

  • Tuples are nothing but standalone enum classes with the appropriate number of components. (e1, ..., eN) gets desugared into TupleN(e1, ..., eN)

enum class Tuple2<T1, T2>(T1 part1, T2 part2);
  • About user-defined destructuring: a long time ago, when unapply was added to Scala, it was done via user-defined functions that would return Option<T> or Option<TupleN<T1, ..., TN>> for N >= 2 ... it would be good if such user-defined destructuring functions would not contain any side-effects, though.
enum Option<X> {
  case Some(X x)
  case None

enum Tree {
  case Leaf;
  case Node(Tree left, Tree right);

@unapply Option[Tree] isSpecial(Node tree) {
  return  tree.left == tree.right
    ? Some(tree.left)
    : None

exp match {
  case Leaf => ...
  case .isSpecial(tree) => ...  // we already know that "tree is Node"
  case Node(left, right) => ...
  • since the cases inside enum and also the "enum classes" are just classes, nothing special needs to be done for runtime representation.

I will leave it at that for now - hope this is helpful. Let me close with the statement that enum corresponds closely to the sum type from type theory (or disjoint union from set theory), so in my mind it's not a coincidence that all these languages have extended "enum" to cover case distinction in data modeling.

burakemir avatar Oct 08 '19 21:10 burakemir

Thanks for the comment. I'm not sure if we literally want to build on Dart's existing enum syntax (though I'm not fundamentally opposed either). But, otherwise, we seem to be thinking in the same direction.

munificent avatar Oct 10 '19 22:10 munificent

Thought I’d share something I came across today while browsing through facebooks’ skiplang docs. This might be an interesting approach for adt’s. Of course , using the keyword “children” wouldn’t be an option because of flutter and what not, but maybe something else would work. If nothing else, I think it’s worth a look.

g5becks avatar Nov 01 '19 20:11 g5becks

Very interesting, thanks @g5becks!

munificent avatar Nov 01 '19 20:11 munificent

For some reason, extension methods helped quite a bit in that area.

For example, we can write:

extension UnionValue<A> on Union2<A, A> {
  A get value => _value as A;

class Union2<A, B> {
  Object _value;

Which has interesting properties:

Union2<String, int> example;
// String and int have no shared interface, so value is of type Object
Object value = example.value;
int impossible = example.value; // COMPILE ERROR, not type safe

Union2<int, double> example2;
// int and double have a common interface: num. Therefore value is of type num
num value2 = example2.value; // valid and type safe
int stillImpossible = example2.value; // COMPILE ERROR, value is a num not a int

Union2<String, String> example3;
// The type is always a String, so value is a String too
String value3 = example3.value; // still type safe

See union for a package using that pattern.

The only thing we're lacking for now is:

  • being able to assign Union2<String, int> to Union2<int, String>
  • being able to assign Union2<String, int> to Union3<String, int, whatever>

The first one is not too important, as we can easily make a method that transform Union2<String, int> in Union2<int, String>.

The most important one being the second one (Union2 to Union3+)

Maybe a simplification of the feature could be an "any"-like, so that we can do:

class Union2<A, B> implements Union3<A, B, any> {}

which would allow:

Union2<String, int> union2;
Union3<String, int, double> union3 = union2;

rrousselGit avatar Nov 01 '19 21:11 rrousselGit

@rrousselGit not sure how that fills the need for adt’s. E.G. how can you create a Result<T> type without all the boilerplate it would take wrt the class hierarchy? I think the extension methods help fill the need of pattern matching for the interim, but not with the creation of what you are matching against. Or at least not for the use cases I think they would be used for mostly.

From the looks of it (I could be wrong) a Union<A,A> that has multiple constructors is an And type and not an Or type? Looks more like a Tuple type than a Choice type.

g5becks avatar Nov 01 '19 21:11 g5becks

@g5becks No, this is not a Tuple but an actual union. See union

TL;DR Union2<String, int> is manipulated with custom methods. The typical switch case on the different types a union can take is performed this way:

Union2<String, int> myUnion;

  (String value) => print("got a string $value"), 
  (int value) => print("got an integer $value"), 

It also has an example of a result-like type

rrousselGit avatar Nov 01 '19 21:11 rrousselGit

@rrousselGit i should have read closer! That’s actually pretty cool. I think I’ll definitely be using this.

g5becks avatar Nov 01 '19 21:11 g5becks

Had another go at this recently. Interestingly, we can write extensions for functions too.

Which means we can use functions instead of classes to implement our temporary unions.

Which also means we can write:

Union2<String, int> union2;

Union3<String, int, double> union3 = union2; // upcast, no problem
Union4<String, int, double, Object> union4 = union2; // still works

while still being unable to write:

Union3<String, int, double> union3;

// downcast, does not work because the value can be a double too.
Union2<String, int> union2 = union3;

It's sad that Dart doesn't support well typedefs though. It'd be almost perfect:

rrousselGit avatar Nov 07 '19 15:11 rrousselGit

True, nice work! @rrousselGit

Also patiently waiting on the typedefs of typedefs feature.

jogboms avatar Nov 07 '19 15:11 jogboms

I also faced these issues and handled using the factory constructors mentioned by @rrousselGit in a StackOverflow post and was pretty satisfied with the results. To avoid the boilerplate, I built a code generator with my colleague which generates these classes by annotating Enums.

enum _MoviesResponse {
  @Data(fields: [DataField('movies', Movies)])
  @Data(fields: [DataField('exception', Exception)])


@Data() marks an enum value to be treated as a Data class.

  • One should supply a list of possible fields inside the annotation.

  • If you don't want to add fields, use @object annotation instead.

  • Fields are supplied in the form of DataField objects.

  • Each DataField must contain the name and the type of the field.

  • If the field type needs to be generic use Generic type and annotate the enum value with @generic annotation.

@object marks an enum value to be treated as an object.

Then it can be used easily with the generated when function

    success: (data) => print('Total Movies: ${data.movies.totalPages}'),
    unauthorized: (_) => print('Invalid ApiKey'),
    noNetwork: (_) => print(
      'No Internet, Please check your internet connection',
    unexpectedException: (error) => print(error.exception),

xsahil03x avatar Nov 16 '19 03:11 xsahil03x

@xsahil03x You may like another solution mentioned earlier in this thread: sum_types (also on It has proven to be very useful in practice and (by now) it has noticeably less limitations then the solution outlined in your message. Hope you'll find it suitable for you needs!

werediver avatar Nov 16 '19 06:11 werediver

@werediver I tried sum_types but I didn't like the boilerplate we have to write for generating the classes and the boilerplate looks redundant to me. Whereas in super_enum we are using enums to replicate the same and it feels easy and not redundant at all as we are using the enum itself to generate exhaustive when statement.

As I am coming from the native development, annotating enums feel much similar to me than creating bunch of classes as boilerplate.

xsahil03x avatar Nov 16 '19 12:11 xsahil03x

@xsahil03x There are reasons behind the design of sum_types (the required boilerplate is a single class with case-constructors, not sure why you mentioned a bunch of classes). The boilerplate buys it compatibility with other code generators (e.g. functional_data) and extensibility (user-defined members). But surely you have your reasons behind the design of super_enum.

A less related feature of sum_types is that it facilitates arbitrary serialization-deserialization of the generated sum-types (as in Nat.fromJson() / Nat.toJson()). That can mostly be implemented with your approach as well (which is similar the approach of sum_types v0.1.x).

werediver avatar Nov 16 '19 13:11 werediver

Hey @munificent just saw your draft "Patterns Feature Specification" ❤️

Is there already a place where this is discussed? Is it alright to give some feedback to this spec in this issue here? (Do you even want Feedback (yet)?)

Jonas-Sander avatar Dec 15 '20 17:12 Jonas-Sander

Just gonna put something I had written somewhere here anyway 😉

I didn't yet quite grasp the advantages of this:

double calculateArea(Shape shape) =>
  switch (shape) {
    case Square(length: l) => l * l;
    case Circle(radius: r) => math.pi * r * r;

From my point of view something like the following is simpler to understand:

double calculateArea(Shape shape) =>
  switch (shape) {
    shape is Square => shape.l * shape.l;
    shape is Circle => shape.r * shape.r * math.pi *;

Related: If you would want to have the name reflect the object type something like this may also work:

double calculateArea(Shape shape) =>
  switch (shape) {
    shape is Square (square) => square.length * square.length;
    shape is Circle (circle) => math.pi * circle.radius * circle.radius;

Jonas-Sander avatar Jan 11 '21 20:01 Jonas-Sander

@Jonas-Sander I think the mixing of pattern matching and destructuring together is a relic of the design from ML, which is very successful and the same design has been copied into other languages like Scala and Rust, etc.

But your proposal is an intriguing design, if we change the design by a bit, here's an idea that's partly inspired by COND in Scheme:

double calculateArea(Shape shape) =>
  switch (shape) {
    shape is Square: (square) => square.length * square.length;
    shape is Circle: (circle) => math.pi * circle.radius * circle.radius;

If we allow a lambda to come after the pattern, it could be cool to allow any arbitrary lambda in that spot, instead of just a literal block. That could work pretty nicely as well.

duncanmak avatar Jan 11 '21 21:01 duncanmak